What is a Draw Poker Game? Know the Complete Guide
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If you are a poker enthusiast, you must know there are various poker games out there. One of the popular picks from the lot is Draw poker games. In this poker variant, players trade cards with each other to better their hands. It adds a fun component and offers more room to strategize.

Today, we are here to teach you all about Draw poker. Here's everything you must know about the draw poker rules, their variations, and the strategies to help you ace the game.

What is a Draw Poker Game?

What is a Draw Poker Game?

Draw poker is a classic poker variant in which players can discard some or all of their cards and draw new ones to improve their hands. The betting structure of the game also varies slightly and is dependent on the player's position. Also, in some games, the ante or small bet is a compulsion. In others, mostly in casinos, blinds are used instead.

It is said that this game came into existence during the 18th century. However, Draw Poker, like Five Cards poker, became famous in the American West.

Initially, it used only 20 cards, which limited hand possibilities. But in the 1820s, players switched to a full deck, which made room for straights and flushes. It made the game more complex and exciting. Players could now swap cards and come up with unique strategies. When it comes to the draw poker games, there are several exciting variants, which include five-card draw poker, triple draw lowball, and more. However, the five-card draw is the most popular one. It is found in poker rooms as well as video poker machines.

How to Play Draw Poker?

How to Play Draw Poker?

Draw poker has several variants, and they all have their own unique set of rules. But the standard gameplay, as mentioned below, remains the same. The draw poker game is played between 2 to 5 players and uses a standard deck of cards. This is how you play draw poker:

Posting Blinds

Most poker games have blinds because it is a way to ensure there is money in the pot for players to win. This is what further encourages betting and action. 

We see this even in draw poker games. Here, the player directly to the left of the dealer button posts a small forced bet called the small blind. The next player to the left posts a larger forced bet called the big blind, which is normally twice the size of the small blind. 

Blinds rotate around the table to maintain fairness in contributing to the pot and initiating betting rounds.

First Betting Round

The player to the left of the big blind starts the action. Here, you have the option to fold, call, or raise. Fold means to discard your cards and opt out of the hand. A call means matching the current bet to stay in the hand. A raise means increasing the current bet and prompting other players to match the new amount to stay in the hand.

Card Draw

After the first betting round, it's time for the card draw. Each player has the option to discard and draw cards. The player draws up to three cards and discards the same number. These replacement cards come from the deck. However, this number can change as per the game variant. This allows players to improve their hand by exchanging unwanted cards for new ones to create a stronger hand.

Second Betting Round

In the second round of betting, the action continues with the player to the dealer's left, who is still in the hand and hasn't folded. Here, players can either fold or check. Cheak means to pass the opportunity to bet. It indicates that the player wishes to stay in the hand without increasing the current bet.

If all players in the hand decide to check and no one raises the bet, the game moves on to the final round, known as showdown. 

When you play draw poker, in some variations, you may have another card draw round and a betting round before you proceed to the showdown.


After the betting rounds comes the showdown. If only one player remains in the game after the final betting round, that player automatically wins the pot without revealing their hand. This is because there are no other active players to compare hands with.

But, if more than one player remains in the game after the last round of betting, the hand proceeds to the showdown. During the showdown, all remaining players reveal their hands, and the player with the highest-ranking hand wins the pot. This method ensures transparency and fairness.

Betting Structure in Draw Poker

Betting Structure in Draw Poker

Draw poker can be played with different betting structures. They include: 


In the limit betting structure, there are fixed bet sizes for each round of betting. Players can only bet or raise by a predetermined amount specified by the table limits. This structure provides a more controlled and structured gameplay experience with less variance in bet sizes.


Pot-limit draw poker lets players bet or raise any amount to the current size of the pot. The maximum bet or raise is limited by the amount of chips already in the pot. Pot-limit games offer more flexibility and larger bet sizes than limit games.


No-limit draw poker gives players the freedom to bet or raise any amount up to the total number of chips they have in their stack. There are no restrictions on bet sizes.

Draw Poker Rules

Draw Poker Rules

Here are some of the basic rules of draw poker:

The game is played between 2 to 5 players.

It uses a standard deck of playing cards.

Once initial bets are placed, players can discard and draw new cards to form the best hand.

In blind games, players post small and big blinds before the hand.

In ante games, players contribute to the pot before being dealt cards.

Players can check, call, raise, or fold.

Wild cards can be used in some poker variants to form a hand

The royal flush is the highest-ranking hand, followed by the straight flush, four-of-a-kind, full house, flush, straight, three-of-a-kind, two-pair, one-pair, and high card. 

Variations of Draw Poker Games

Variations of Draw Poker Games

Now, let's look at some of the main variations of draw poker.

Five Card Draw

First, let's unpack the most popular draw poker game: the 5-card draw. Also known as Cantrell draw, the five-card draw offers a balance of simplicity and fun.

In 5-card draw poker, two players are designated to post the small blind and the big blind. The blinds are forced bets to initiate the round of betting. The player to the left of the dealer posts the small blind, and the player to their left posts the big blind.

In the initial deal, each player is dealt five cards face down. This is the player's first round. Starting with the player to the left of the big blind, each player can call, raise, or fold.

After the first round of betting concludes, starting with the player to the left of the dealer, each player can discard any of their cards from their hand and receive new cards in exchange from the dealer. This is done to improve their hand.

After the discard and replacement phase, another round of betting occurs. The betting starts with the player to the left of the dealer and continues clockwise.

If two or more players remain after the second betting round, they proceed to the showdown. Each player reveals their hand, and the best five-card hand wins the pot. The best 5 card draw poker hands include royal flush, straight flush, four-of-a-kind, and full house. The 5 card draw poker rules are the same as the standard draw poker rules.

Lowball Draw Poker

Lowball is a poker variant in which the objective is to form the lowest-ranking hand instead of the highest. There are two main versions; Ace to five and Deuce to seven.

In Ace to Five, Aces are low, and straights and flushes don't count, making the best hand A-2-3-4-5. In Deuce to Seven, Aces are high, and straights and flushes count against you. Therefore, the lowest hand possible is 2-3-4-5-7. The lowball game has numerous variations and offers various gameplay options.

Deuce To Seven Lowball

Simply known as Deuce, Deuce to Seven Lowball is a variant of poker. There are two primary formats at play here,

Limit Deuce to Seven Triple Draw

Players can discard and draw new cards up to three times, with betting structured around fixed limits. This version allows for strategic decision-making over multiple drawing rounds while managing the limitations of the betting structure.

No Limit Deuce to Seven Single Draw

Players can discard and draw new cards only once, but there are no restrictions on the betting size. This format demands high skill levels and decision-making due to the absence of betting limits. It lets players make aggressive moves to pressure opponents or protect strong hands.


Badugi is a popular game because it forms the basic structure of several split-pot draw games. Here, you strive for the lowest hand with four cards. Remember, in Badugi, each card's suit matters.

The best hand of the game is A-2-3-4, with different suits for each card. You have three chances to improve your hand by swapping cards.

Betting has set limits, and after betting, players reveal their hands. If you have the lowest Badugi hand, you win half the pot. The other half goes to the player with the best traditional hand, if any.

Badeucey & Badacey

Badeucey and Badacey are split pot draw games that combine elements of Badugi with either Deuce to Seven or Ace to Five lowball hand rankings. Here, half the pot goes to the player with the best Badugi hand, which is a four-card hand with no pairs and each card of a different suit. And, the other half goes to the player with the best five-card hand using the designated lowball rankings.

In Badeucey, the five-card hand follows Deuce to Seven lowball rankings, where Aces are high, and straights and flushes count against the player. However, in Badacey, the five-card hand uses Ace to Five lowball rankings, where Aces are low, and straights and flushes do not count against the player. It is a complex game and needs a more nuanced approach when it comes to strategies.


Archie is a poker game popular in Phoenix and Las Vegas, known for its high action and hi/lo split pot format. In Archie, players aim to win both the best high hand and the best low hand. However, both hands must qualify to have a chance of winning.

For the high hand, Vegas games require a pair of sixes or better, while Phoenix games require nines or better. If your high hand doesn't meet this requirement, you can't win half the pot, even if it's the best high hand shown.

The qualifier for the low hand is an eight-low or better. If your low hand doesn't meet this requirement, you can't win half the pot, even if it's the lowest hand shown.

Archie is typically played with a limited betting structure and allows for three drawing rounds to improve hands.


Drawmaha is a poker variant that's gained popularity in casual party games and higher-stakes settings. It combines elements of Omaha and 5-card draw poker with a pot split between the best draw hand and the best Omaha hand.

In this game, players place bets before any cards are drawn. After dealing the flop (three community cards), another round of betting occurs. Each player can discard and draw new cards to improve their hand. Then, you have two more betting rounds, each occurring after the community card is displayed.

Players reveal their hands. Half the pot goes to the player with the best poker 5-card draw, and the other half goes to the player with the best Omaha hand using two hole cards and three community cards.

Here, two-pair hands are particularly strong as they have a high chance of winning in both the draw and Omaha aspects of the game.

Strategies to Play Draw Poker

Strategies to Play Draw Poker

Now, let's understand a few draw poker strategies that can help you ace the game.

Check The Hand Strength

Begin by evaluating the strength of your starting hand. In games like poker 5-card draw, having high cards, pairs, or connected cards is advantageous. In Lowball variants, go for low-ranking cards and potential draws to strong low hands.

Make Use Of Your Position

Your position at the table affects your basic strategy. Players in late positions have more information about opponents' actions before deciding to bet, call, or fold. So, always use this advantage to make more good decisions. 

Strategy For The Replacement Card

Decide how many cards to discard and draw based on your hand strength and the number of drawing rounds allowed. In five-card draw poker, it's often beneficial to draw fewer cards with a strong starting hand.

Pot Odds

Understand the pot odds and implied odds before deciding whether to draw to a hand. Check the probability of completing your hand versus the pot size and possible future bets to see if drawing is profitable in the long run.


When was draw poker invented?

What is unique about draw poker?

What are the rules of draw poker?

How many rounds are in draw poker?

Is 5 card draw poker?