How to Play Poker: Basic Poker Rules for Beginners & Pro Players
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Poker is one of the most popular card and cash games that has been around for generations. It has a certain allure and glamour attached to it.

Knowing the poker rules in and out becomes imperative if you want to hone your skills and enter the world of poker games. Poker may seem complicated to novices at first. But it becomes easier and more entertaining once you get a hold of the poker rules. Many poker beginners find it easy to start playing Texas Hold'em. Poker rules for Texas Hold'em game are simple, and learning the game is pretty straightforward.

If you want to learn how to play poker, here's everything you need to know. This brief guide includes poker game rules, gameplay, poker hands, rules for poker variants, and tips to play poker.

How To Play Poker?

How To Play Poker?

As you know, there are several poker variations that may have varying rules. Here, we talk about the basic poker rules of Texas Hold'em. 

In Texas Hold'em, the dealer deals two cards to each player at the beginning of the round. 

A player places a small blind and then the big blind.  

During the first bet, the deciding factor of how much you raise should be the quality of your cards.

Then, the dealer deals three community cards, face-up. This is when the second betting round starts.

The dealer deals the fourth community card, which is known as the turn. Soon after, the third round of betting starts.

Now, the dealer deals the fifth community card, known as the river. And, this final round of betting takes place. 

The remaining players reveal their private cards, and the winner is the one who has the best poker hand.

Basic Poker Rules Common To Most Poker Variants

Now, we unpack the basic poker game rules so you can master the game without missing a bet.

Poker-Hand Rankings

Poker-Hand Rankings

When it comes to poker games like Texas Hold'em, poker hand rankings decide who the winner of the game is. However, some poker games use poker hand rankings differently. For instance, the lowest poker hand is the most desirable in low-ball poker games. Here is a guide to poker hand rankings from the highest to the lowest.

Royal Flush: A, K, Q, J, and 10 of the same suit form a royal flush. 

E.g: A♠ K♠ Q♠ J♠ 10♠

Straight Flush: Five consecutive cards of the same suit form a straight flush. 

E.g: 9♠ 8♠ 7♠ 6♠ 5♠

Four of a Kind: Here, you will need four cards of the same rank. 

E.g: K♠ K♣ K♥ K♦ 

Full House: You will need three cards and two cards of the same rank each to form a full house.  

E.g: A♠ A♣ A♥ 8♠ 8♦

Flush: You will need five non-consecutive cards of the same suit.

E.g: 10♠ 8♠ 7♠ 4♠ 2♠

Straight: Five consecutive cards of different suits form a straight. 

E.g: 10♠ 9♣ 8♠ 7♦ 6♠

Three of a Kind: Here, you need three cards of the same rank. 

E.g: J♠ J♣ J♥ 

Two Pair: You need two sets of pairs. 

E.g: K♠ K♣ 7♠ 7♦ 

One Pair: You need one pair of the same rank of cards.  

E.g: Q♠ Q♣

High Card: The highest card a player has. 

Blinds and Antes

Blinds and Antes

Blinds are mandatory bets players must place before every hand begins. The blinds are placed by players seated on the left of the dealer. In Texas Hold'em games and Omaha, the blinds are placed twice - the small blind and the big blind. The small blind is usually half the minimum bet for a given hand, and the big blind is the full minimum bet. Blinds rotate clockwise around the table after each hand.

Ante is a forced bet that every player at the table must put into the pot before the start of each hand. Unlike blinds, antes are not associated with specific positions but are paid by all players equally. Antes are more common in tournament play to increase the pot limit, especially as the tournament progresses, and the blinds alone might not generate enough action.



More than being one of the poker rules, bluffing is a crucial strategy in poker games. In fact, if you master the art of bluffing, you can win the game even without having the best hand.

Just as the name suggests, bluffing is when you behave in a certain way to confuse your opponents and get them to play the way you want. This is done to scare away your opponents into folding their cards.

The Dealer

The Dealer

The dealer plays a crucial role. They not only deal the cards but also determine the order of the blinds. The dealer's position rotates clockwise after each hand to maintain fairness. The dealer initiates betting rounds, beginning with posting blinds. This positioning influences the dynamics of each hand. The dealer also manages community cards.

Understanding Player Positions

Understanding Player Positions

Always note player positions in poker games, even in online poker games. The dealer's position rotates clockwise after each hand, determining who acts last. The two players to the dealer's left post the small blind and big blind, initiating betting. Early positions mean you must be cautious before the betting rounds as you don't have much information. The middle positions give a sense of balance. However, the late positions gain an edge, which you must always take advantage of.

Betting Options

Betting Options

When you play poker, you must be aware of various betting options. They are:

Check: It indicates no bet. You can check until the first round of betting.

Fold: It means you are forfeiting the hand.

Call: Here, you match the current bet that's placed.

Raise: It increases the size of the bet and prompts others to match the higher wager or fold.

Check-Raise: You first check and then raise an opponent's bet.

All-in: This is when a player bets their entire poker chip stack.

Betting Rounds

Betting Rounds

When you play poker, betting rounds add a structure to the game and maintain the flow. It is also the same with online poker. Understanding the sequence of betting is crucial to win. This is how you do it in most poker variants, such as Texas Hold'em:

Preflop Betting Round

The first round of betting begins before any community cards are dealt. Here, you receive your private or hole cards. The player to the left of the big blind starts the initial bet. Some of your options include folding, calling the big blind, or raising the bet.


After the pre-flop, three community cards are dealt face-up. Then, the next round of betting begins with the player to the dealer's left. Based on your hole and community cards, you can check, bet, call, raise, or fold.


After the flop betting, a fourth community card is revealed. It is also known as Fourth Street or Turn. The third round of betting follows the same pattern as the flop round. 


After the turn betting is done, the fifth and final card, known as the fifth street or river, is revealed. This is the final community card. The final betting round takes place. This is the time to make the last move before the showdown. 

Betting Structure and Fixed Limit/No Limits

Betting Structure and Fixed Limit/No Limits

Pot Limit 

In pot limit poker, there is a restriction regarding the current pot size when making bets or raises. You can wager any amount up to the total poker chips in the pot.

Limit Betting Structure

With fixed-limit games, bets and raises during each betting round must be done in a fixed amount. 

No Limit Betting Structure

In a no-limit poker game, you bet any or all of your chips anytime during your turn. Since there are no predefined betting limits, it leads to more substantial swings in chip stacks and allows players to go all-in with higher stakes. 

Showdown and Determining The Winner

Showdown and Determining The Winner

If two or more players remain after the final betting round, a showdown occurs. Here, players reveal their hole cards, and the best five-card hand is decided. The player with the strongest hand wins the pot limit.

If there is no showdown, the player who is there till the final round takes the pot without revealing their cards.

Rules Of Other Poker Variants

Now that you know about the basic rules of poker, mainly Texas Hold'em poker rules, let's understand a bit about the specific rules for other top popular poker games. The same rule applies to online poker as well.

Omaha Poker Rules

Omaha poker rules are quite similar to that of the Texas Hold'em game. Take a look:

Omaha poker can be played between 2 to 10 players. 

Each player is dealt four private/hole cards.

Five community cards are dealt face-up at the centre of the table.

You must make the best poker hands using exactly two of your hole cards and three of the five community cards.

There are four betting rounds, including pre-flop, flop, turn, and river.

The player to the left of the big blind starts the betting.

The player with the best five-card hand using two hole cards and three community cards wins the pot.

Betting options include checking, betting, calling, raising, or folding, depending on the action and the player's strategy.

In Pot Limit Omaha, the maximum bet or raise is limited to the current size of the pot.

Seven Card Stud Rules

This is how you play seven card stud: 

Each player in stud poker antes a small amount before the start of each hand to contribute to the pot.

Each player receives two private cards and one face-up card, known as the door card. The player with the lowest-ranked door card brings in the betting.

Four bets are conducted, with the betting starting from the player showing the lowest-ranked face-up card.

Bettings include check, bet, fold, call, or raise.

After the first bet, each player in stud poker receives a face-up card on Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Street, each followed by a betting round.

The betting on these streets starts with the player showing the highest-ranked face-up cards.

The final betting occurs after the seventh and last card, a face-down card, is dealt to each player.

Betting begins again with the player showing the highest-ranked face-up cards.

If there are two or more players remaining after the final betting round, a showdown occurs.

The player with the best five-card hand, combining their two-hole cards and any five of the seven community cards, wins the pot.

A player can win the entire pot with the best high and low hand (if there is a low hand possible) at the showdown.

Draw Poker Rules

Let's understand the draw poker rules. 

The objective in a draw poker game is to build the best hand possible by exchanging some or all of the original cards with new ones.

You receive a complete hand of cards, usually five cards, from the dealer.

The first bets begin with the player to the left of the dealer.

Players can fold, bet, or check, depending on the action.

After the initial betting, players can choose to exchange some or all of their cards for new ones.

The discarded cards are replaced by the dealer.

A second betting follows the drawing phase, starting with the player to the dealer's left.

If more than one player remains after the final bets, a showdown occurs to determine the winner.

According to standard poker hand rankings, the player with the best hand takes the pot.

Various draw poker variations exist, such as Five Card Draw and Triple Draw. Each variant may have slightly different betting, drawing, and hand rankings rules.

How To Use Poker Rules Correctly: Tips For Beginners

Learning and understanding poker rules and applying them is the first step to mastering the game. 

Understand Hand Rankings

Familiarize yourself with the different poker hands and their rankings. Know which hands beat others, from high card to royal flush. Understanding and applying them in your poker games will help you improve. 

Know the Basic Rules of the Game

Learn the specific rules of the poker variant you are playing, such as Texas Hold'em, Omaha, Seven-Card Stud, etc. Each variant has its own set of rules. So, know them well. When you know all the rules, you can develop the best strategies to ace the game.

Master Betting Basics

Learn about bettings per the table stakes, such as preflop, flop, turn, and river, and how betting works in each round. This includes concepts like blinds, antes, and other different options. 

Pay Attention to the Pot

Be aware of the size of the pot and the current bets. This information is crucial for making proper decisions and ensuring you don't lose any money.

Learn Position Strategy

Understand the importance of your position at the poker table. Know the table stakes. Players acting later in a betting round have more information and can make better decisions.

Practice Patience

Don't play too many hands. Be selective about the hands you choose to play, especially as a beginner. And keep the practice going. The more you practice, the better you get. There are several free online poker platforms to help you out.

Study Common Mistakes

Learn from common mistakes you make. Recognize and avoid these mistakes to improve your game. Also, understand what better can be done. 

Learn From Experts

Today, several free videos of experts walk you through the game. You can watch them to see how well-known players excel in the game. You can also borrow and try a few strategies in your practice sessions.


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