Mississippi Stud Poker: Strategies, Tips, and Rules Explained
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If you are a stud poker fan and you hate complicated games with a ton of strategy, the Mississippi Stud Poker will definitely make you want to fall in love with it. It is a straightforward poker game where you compete directly with the house. Moreover, it is a super quick game where you can win massive sums depending on the strength of your hand. Additionally, this poker variant has skyrocketed in popularity, especially as an online casino game.

Wondering how you can quickly learn how to play Mississippi Stud Poker and the best strategies to win those crazy sums? Let’s chime in and explore the ins and outs of Mississippi Stud Online Poker.

History of Mississippi Stud

By the name of it, Mississippi Stud Poker might sound like some old-school poker variant which finds its roots in the heartlands of Mississippi. However, names can be deceptive, and this is definitely true for Mississippi Stud Poker.

Unlike the common misconception, this popular poker variant is the brainchild of Mark Yoseloff, the CEO of Shuffle Master. During the 2005s, Mark was trying to find a new poker variant to take his company up the online poker ladder. He wanted to develop a game like Let It Ride, where the player has to make additional bets to continue playing, or else they have to fold. That’s when he came up with the idea of Mississippi Stud Poker.

The game took its time to grow in popularity amongst the best casinos in the world. However, it became monumentally popular when Mississippi Stud Poker online came into existence. Today, you can find Mississippi Stud Poker free online on almost all of the popular poker platforms.

Basic Mississippi Stud Rules

Now that you have a glimpse into Mississippi Stud Poker, let's examine Mississippi Stud Poker rules. Understanding the Mississippi Stud Poker rules will help you grasp the game setup and strategies we will discuss later in this article and win big in Mississippi Stud Poker online.

  • A typical game of Mississippi Stud begins with an ante bet.
  • You have to place this bet before receiving any cards.
  • You receive two hole cards that you can see.
  • Next, you can place your bets for the next round or fold.
  • The dealer then shows you the first community card.
  • The same cycle continues for the second and final community card.
  • Your final payout depends on the strength of your hand.

How to Play Mississippi Stud Poker Games?

Let’s objectively discuss how to play Mississippi Stud Poker, game setup, and the Mississippi Stud Poker rules in detail:

Game setup

Mississippi Stud Poker can be played with multiple players or even in single-player mode. The setup is about the same in both game modes.

To begin the game, each player on the table must place an initial bet, the ante bet. The dealer then deals you and everyone else with two face-down cards. You can place your bets in the subsequent rounds, known as the 3rd, 4th, and 5th street, to become a contender in the final showdown.


In the game, your goal is to place bets based on the potential of your hands. When you receive your first two face-down cards, you can start to predict the hands that may form in the upcoming rounds. If you think you could get a strong hand like a flush or a straight, you can increase your bets. Otherwise, if you don't see a good potential in the community cards, you can fold.

In a multiplayer Mississippi Stud Poker setup, you must figure out if any of your opponents may have a stronger hand and place your bets accordingly.


Whether it is the free Mississippi Stud Poker online or in a casino, the gameplay typically begins with the ante bet. The ante amount can vary hugely depending on your casino and the skill level of the opponents.

Once you and the other players place the ante, the dealer deals everyone with two face-down cards. As these are face-down cards, only the player can see the card.

After receiving these cards, you need to decide whether you want to proceed to the next round of betting or fold. The decision depends on the type of cards you receive as your face-down cards.

If you feel confident in your cards, you may place an ante in the next round, the third street, to see the first community card. If you find the first community card to help make your hand stronger, you may place another ante in the fourth and fifth streets.

If you don’t fold and reach the fifth street, there is a showdown between the hands of each of the remaining players. The player with the best hand wins a payout according to their hand strength.

Betting Options

The initial ante bet in a Mississippi Stud Poker game typically varies depending on your casino and fellow competitors. However, it can be anywhere from $0.10 in budget casinos to $500 in high-end casinos. In the third, fourth, and fifth streets, you can either bet 1x, 2x, or 3x of your initial ante amount.

In Poker terms, betting 1x the ante is known as a call. In layman's terms, a call is the least amount you can bet for a specific round. Betting 2x or 3x of the ante is known as raising the bet or playing a raise. Apart from these, you can also withdraw from the betting, aka fold your bet.

Apart from your mandatory ante, which only pays when you have one of the few hands that qualify for a payout, you may also go for a three-card bonus. Similar to the ante, you need to place the three-card bet before entering the game. The three-card bonus lets you win for specific three-card combinations.

Hand Rankings and Payouts

The hand rankings in Mississippi Stud Poker online are as follows:

  1. Royal Flush

The Royal Flush is the top poker hand, comprising a ten, jack, queen, king, and ace, all from the same suit. All cards must belong to the same suit to achieve a Royal Flush.

  1. Straight Flush

A straight flush features five cards in consecutive order, all from the same suit. An example is the three, four, five, six, and seven of spades.

  1. Four of a Kind

This hand includes four cards of the same rank. For instance, five diamonds, five spades, five clubs, five hearts, and one other card.

  1. Full House

A full house consists of three cards of one rank and two cards of another. An example is a king of diamonds, king of spades, king of clubs, seven of diamonds, and seven of hearts.

  1. Flush

A flush contains any five cards from the same suit, but not in sequence. For example, a three, five, seven, nine, and jack of spades form a flush.

  1. Straight

A straight includes five consecutive cards of differing suits. An example is a seven of spades, eight of hearts, nine of diamonds, ten of clubs, and jack of hearts.

  1. Three-of-a-Kind

This hand features three cards of the same rank. For example, a ten of hearts, ten of clubs, ten of spades, and any two other cards.

  1. Two Pair

Two pairs consist of two sets of two cards of the same rank. For example, a seven of hearts, seven of clubs, queen of spades, and queen of clubs.

  1. One Pair (Jack or better)

This hand includes one pair of cards of the same rank better than Joker. For example, a jack of hearts and a jack of spades.

  1. Pair of 6 or higher

This hand is a pair of numerical cards of rank 6 or higher, such as a six of hearts and a six of spades.

Here is the payout associated with each of these Poker hands:

Royal Flush500:1
Straight Flush100:1
Four of a Kind40:1
Full House10:1
Three of a Kind3:1
Two Pair2:1
Pair of Jacks or Better1:1
Pair of 6s to 10sPush





Mississippi Stud Poker Strategy To Win

While millions of combinations can take place, especially in Mississippi Stud Poker play free online games, you don’t need to be overwhelmed. Here are some simple Mississippi Stud poker strategies that you should keep in mind while deciding your moves:

  • You should always go for the first community card unless you receive some extremely odd cards, such as distant numeric cards.
  • Your third ante should depend on the first two cards and the community card. You may place a 2X or 3X ante if you have something like a pair of 6s to 10s, a possible royal combination, or a possibility of a straight or a straight flush in these three cards.
  • You should play low and bet 1X ante, especially if you have a low pair, a combination of opposite-ended cards like a high or a low card, or some medium cards in the first three cards.

Difference between Mississippi Stud and Traditional Poker Variations

Mississippi Stud is quite different from traditional poker games like Texas Hold'em or Omaha Poker. In a free Mississippi Stud online game, players compete to create the best hand using community cards. It's more like a ring toss game where each player focuses on their own hand rather than bluffing or misleading the opponents. The winner receives a fixed amount based on the casino's payout, and there's no collective pot.

In traditional poker games like Texas Hold'em, players compete for the collective pot and can use tactics like bluffing and testing each other's skills.

Mississippi Stud games are shorter and more accessible for poker beginners, while mastering Texas Hold'em or Omaha takes much more time.


Free-to-play Mississippi Stud Poker games have massively taken off in popularity in recent times. If you are new to the poker world, you should definitely try Mississippi Stud and enjoy its gentle learning curve and crisp gameplay. The above article compiles the best Mississippi Stud Poker strategies and gives you an in-depth insight into how to play the game.


What is Mississippi Stud Poker?

How is Mississippi Stud different from other poker games?

How many cards do you get in Mississippi Stud?

What are the betting options in Mississippi Stud?

When do I need to make call bets?

What are the community cards used for?

How does the showdown work in Mississippi Stud?

Can I play Mississippi Stud online?

What is the house edge in Mississippi Stud?

How do I win at Mississippi Stud?

What are the payouts for winning hands?

Are there any basic strategies for Mississippi Stud?