Razz Poker Rules - How to Play Razz Poker?
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Razz Poker belongs to the Stud Poker family. However, it is a lowball poker game in which traditional hand rankings are flipped upside down. The best hand in Razz poker is A-2-3-4-5, which is known as a 'wheel' or 'bicycle', not the royal flush. 

The structure of the game is similar to stud poker, where players receive a mix of face-up and face-down cards over multiple betting rounds. 

Want to learn how to play razz poker? Here's everything you must know about what is razz poker including razz poker rules, gameplay, and more.

What is Razz Poker?

What is Razz Poker?

This poker game is a version of Seven Card Stud, where the lowest hand wins. Its origins trace back to the early 20th century when the 52-card deck became standard in poker. Unlike Texas Hold'em or Omaha, flushes and straights don't count against the player. The best hand in the game is A-2-3-4-5.

In this game, each player receives seven cards, and the Ace is always low in Razz Poker.

Another variant, Deuce-to-seven Razz, involves creating the lowest possible hand without straights or flushes, with the best hand being 2-3-4-5-7. Razz is also commonly included in mixed game rotations like H.O.R.S.E., where R stands for Razz poker.

Basic Razz Poker Rules

Aces are low in Razz poker. 

Hands containing cards higher than an 8 are not considered valid low hands. 

If two or more players have the same low hand, the pot is split equally among them.

If all players at the table fold and there's only one active player, they automatically win the pot at the end.

Razz can be played in various betting structures, including limit, pot limit, and no-limit.

Flush and straights don't matter in Razz poker.

The lowest hand at the table always wins, and the best possible hand is A-2-3-4-5.

Hands are ranked from the highest card down. For instance, 6-low beats 9-low.

How to Play Razz Poker?

How to Play Razz Poker?

Learn how to play razz poker here. The rules of razz poker are very simple once you get the hang of them.

Number of players

Razz poker is typically played with two to eight players. The game uses a standard card deck; each player is dealt seven cards.


The objective of this game is to make the lowest possible hand using five cards out of the seven that the players are dealt.

Hand Rankings

In Razz Poker, hand rankings are determined by the lowest possible five-card hand. Here are Razz poker hand rankings from lowest to highest.

Five-High (Wheel): A-2-3-4-5, where the Ace is low. This is the best hand in razz poker.

Six-High: A-2-3-4-6

Seven-High: A-2-3-4-7

Eight-High: A-2-3-5-8

Nine-High: A-2-3-4-9

Ten-High: A-2-3-4-10

Jack-High: A-2-3-4-J

Queen-High: A-2-3-4-Q

King-High: A-2-3-4-K

In the game, if multiple players have the same razz poker hands, the pot is split equally among them. Also, the suit doesn't impact the Razz poker hand rankings! 

Betting Structure

In Razz Poker, there are different ways you can bet. The most common way is with a fixed-limit betting game, meaning there's a set amount you can bet each time. However, some people might also play with a pot limit or no limit.

With a pot limit, you can bet any amount up to the total amount of money in the pot at that moment. So, you can't go crazy and bet more than what's in the pot.

With no limit, you can bet any amount you want, even all your chips, if you feel bold. It can make the game more exciting.


Once the game starts, the dealer deals seven cards each. Some cards are dealt face-down and some face-up. Players can peek at their cards to see if they want to play or quit. The player with the highest card that's visible begins the betting. Throughout the hand, the player with the lowest exposed hand initiates the action. Betting happens after each round of dealing. 

Betting rounds

In Razz Poker, the betting rounds are similar to that of a Seven Card Stud game.


Before the hand begins, all players must place a small bet called an ante into the pot. This ensures there's something to play for in each hand. The ante makes for the first betting round. Next comes the third and fourth streets, where the betting begins fully.

Third Street 

In this round, players are dealt three cards. Here, two cards are face down and one face up. The face-up card is known as the door card, and the face-down cards are known as the hole cards. The player with the lowest exposed card must 'bring in' by making a mandatory bet or may opt to 'complete' the bet to the lower limit. The bring-in bets are mandatory. The action then proceeds clockwise, with players choosing to call, raise, or fold based on their hand and the strength of their exposed card.

Fourth Street

Each remaining player receives another door card, which is the fourth card. The player with the lowest exposed hand starts the betting round. From this point forward, the player with the highest exposed hand starts the betting rounds in the fourth street round.

Fifth Street

In the fifth street, players receive another face-up card, which is the fifth card, and betting resumes.

Sixth Street

In Sixth Street, another door card is dealt to each player, and this is followed by another round of betting.

Seventh Street or River

The final card, also known as the river is dealt face-down to each player in the seventh street. A final betting round occurs after this card is dealt. The seventh street is the final round before the showdown.

The Showdown

If more than one player remains after the final betting round, the remaining players reveal their hands to see who the winner is. The player with the lowest five-card razz hand, as per the Razz poker hands rankings, wins the entire pot.

Razz Poker Rules To Ensure You Get The Winning Hand

In a razz poker game, the player with the lowest hand wins the game. Players aim to create the lowest hand with five of their seven cards. As per razz poker rules, the best hand is the wheel, but it is also the lowest hand that wins the game and the pot.

What Makes Razz Poker Unique?

Here are three points that make the razz poker game unique. 

In Razz rules poker, the player with the highest exposed card starts the action by making the bring-in bet, which is a forced initial bet.

Throughout the hand, the player with the lowest-ranking exposed cards initiates the action on each betting street. 

Razz aims for the lowest hand, and flushes and straights don't count.

Best Razz Poker Strategy and Tips to Win

Now that you know the razz rules poker, it's important to understand a few crucial razz poker strategies. 

Pick good starting hands

Remember, a good starting hand can lay the right foundation for the game. Therefore, in Razz (poker), you must aim for three low cards, preferably 8 or lower. Avoid pairs or high cards. This is a crucial razz poker strategy!

Steal blinds and antes 

If your upcards are lower than your opponents', consider raising to steal the blinds or antes. This can pressure your opponents into folding weaker hands. 

See if you can attack Checks 

In Razz (poker), if your opponents check, it might indicate weakness, and they may lack strong low cards. Betting with a decent hand can help you capitalize on this perceived weakness, either forcing them to fold or pay to see more cards. Winning the pot becomes easy this way. This is the correct strategy to go about the game.

Chasing should not go beyond Fifth Street

By Fifth Street in Razz (poker), most cards are visible. If you start strong but draw a high card while your opponent shows low cards, folding is wise. Chasing after Fifth Street with a weakening hand can help you prevent losses. So, always make this a part of your razz poker strategy.

Keep your focus on upcards

The last Razz poker strategy is to always pay close attention to your opponents' upcards, as this lets you gauge the strength of their hands. Adjust your Razz poker strategy based on what you see.

Top Razz Starting Hands

Here are the top ten razz poker starting hands:

A, 2, 3

A, 2, 4

A, 3, 4

2, 3, 4

A, 2, 5

A, 3, 5

A, 4, 5

2, 3, 5

2, 4, 5

A, 2, 6

Which hands should you not play?

As per the rules of razz poker, you must always avoid Broadway cards, which are 10, J, Q, and K. Why? The answer is simple: they are high cards and make it almost impossible to form a low hand. Eights and nines are also not the greatest. Your aim should be to limit yourself to seven or lower.

Razz Poker at the WSOP

The Razz Poker game is played in the World Series of Poker (WSOP). It debuted at the WSOP in 1971. While it was briefly absent in 1972, the game returned in 1973. 

Razz poker is a favorite among both pros and amateurs. Some of the renowned winners are Phil Hellmuth, Huck Seed, and Doyle Brunson. The 2004 Razz Championship, won by TJ Cloutier, even aired on ESPN. The WSOP Razz events draw a star-studded roster every year.


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