Straight Flush Poker: Know One of the Rarest Hands in Poker
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Straight Flush in Poker Hands

A straight flush in poker is the easiest way to make a fortune. It is the most coveted hand in most poker variants, with the power to turn the odds in your favor even in critical situations. A straight flush is a sequence of five cards of the same suit. It is second in poker hand rankings or first technically. There are different varieties of poker straight flushes, depending on the high-ranking card.

Understanding the nuances, probabilities, and rules of playing straight flush in different poker variants is crucial for strategic play. From Texas Hold'em to Omaha, the straight flush reigns supreme, promising victory when drawn. Let's explore its intricacies and significance in the world of poker.

What is a Straight Flush in Poker?

 Straight Flush in Poker

A straight flush in poker is a poker hand that consists of consecutive cards of the same suit. The sequence of cards must be in linear order, while the Ace can be used in high or low positions. The type of suit doesn't matter, except the sequence of denominations. 9♠8♠7♠6♠5♠ or 6♠5♠4♠3♠2♠ is an example of straight flush.

A total of 40 straight flush combinations are possible in poker.

Generally, any consecutive sequence of the same suit becomes a straight flush. Hence, it is often represented without suits. For example, a straight flush is represented as 6-5-4-3-2 or 10-9-8-7-6. A poker straight flush is among the highest-ranking hands, beatable only by a higher straight flush. 10-9-8-7-6 beats 6-5-4-3-2, irrespective of the suit.

The highest possible straight flush is known as the royal flush, A-K-Q-J-10.

While a royal flush beats any straight flush sequence, it can also beat any poker hand. That's why a royal flush has the highest ranking as per poker straight rules. Yet again, the suit doesn't matter between a royal flush and a straight flush. For example, A♥ K♥ Q♥ J♥ 10♥ still beats 9♦ 8♦ 7♦ 6♦ 5♦, though the suits are different between two hands.

A straight flush is one of the rarest and difficult poker hands. The probability of getting a straight flush is roughly 1 in 72,192 or 0.00139%. A straight flush hand increases the chance of winning the poker game in Texas Hold'em and Omaha.

Most people ask, "What is a straight in poker?" A straight is consecutive cards with different suits. Similarly, a flush refers to cards of the same suit. Thus, a straight flush can be considered a combination of flush and straight in poker.

What Beats a Straight Flush?

A straight flush is the highest in poker hand rankings. When straight flushes tie, the highest possible denomination wins the hand. The best version of straight flush is known as Royal flush. A♠K♠Q♠J♠10♠ is a royal flush. So, a royal flush beats the straight flush at all times, irrespective of the suit.

There are only four royal flush hands:





Generally, a straight flush in poker with a high-ranking card wins over a lower straight flush of the same suit. For instance, 9♣8♣7♣6♣5♣ beats 6♣5♣4♣3♣2♣ or 9♦8♦7♦6♦5♦ beats 6♦5♦4♦3♦2♦. A♦K♦Q♦J♦10♦ beats any regular straight flush.

Sometimes, a royal flush is considered a separate hand and given the first place in poker rankings. A regular straight flush of any lower denomination is given the second rank in the poker hand rankings.

What is the probability of getting a straight flush?

To ace poker hands, it is important to have the poker hand rankings at the top of your head. Playing the game becomes easier after that. Knowing the probabilities in Texas Hold'em and Pot Limit Omaha also plays a role in winning hands.

probability of getting a straight flush

Straight Flush Poker Probabilities in Texas Hold'em


  • Straight Flush: 0.00139%(based on 5 cards randomly drawn from a full 52-card deck)
  • Royal Flush: 0.000154%(based on 5 cards randomly drawn from a full 52-card deck)   
  • Flop: 0.0012%(when holding 2 suited cards)
  • Turn: 4.25%(from a flop with 2 suited cards)
  • River: 4.35%(on a board with 2 suited cards)

Straight Flush Poker Probabilities in Pot Limit Omaha  


  • Straight Flush: 0.00139%(based on 5 cards randomly drawn from a full 52-card deck)
  • Royal Flush: 0.000154%(based on 5 cards randomly drawn from a full 52-card deck)  
  • Flop: 0.04625%(when holding 2 suited connectors)
  • Flop: 0.00578%(when holding 2 suited cards)
  • Turn: 4.44%(from a flop with 2 suited cards)
  • River: 4.54%(on a board with 2 suited cards)

What is a Flush Draw?

A draw in poker is when a hand is short of one or two cards for ranking high. A flush draw is a straight flush in poker that is short of one card. If a hand of four consecutive cards of the same suit is short of one card to improve to the straight flush, then it is a Flush draw. The missing card can be on the higher, lower, or in the middle of the hand.

For example, 6♠7♠8♠9♠ or K♣Q♣J♣10♣ are flush draws short of one card. 6♠7♠8♠9♠ requires either 5♠ or 10♠. Whereas A♣ or 9♣ is required to make the K♣Q♣J♣10♣ a straight flush.

When there are a pair of consecutive cards of the same suit with a missing card in the middle, it can also become a straight flush. A 6♣7♣ and 9♣T♣ comprise a flush draw that requires 8♣ to finish out to a straight flush poker.

When considering poker straight vs flush, a flush has the power over straight. However, both lie below the straight flush.

What is The Difference Between Straight And Straight Flush?

The difference between poker straight and straight flush is easy to understand. A straight in poker is a hand of consecutive cards, all of different suits. A straight flush is also hand of consecutive cards, but of the same suit. The difference is in the suit of cards. 7♣ 6♠ 5♠4♥3♥ is a straight hand, whereas 7♥ 6♥ 5♥4♥3♥ is a straight flush.

Difference Between Straight And Straight Flush

It is not possible to have five different suits by definition, only four different suits. At the same time, the suits aren’t important in poker straight hands.

According to poker straight rules, it occupies the fifth rank on the poker hands, below a flush and above three of a kind. Each straight hand is ranked by its highest-ranking card values, irrespective of the suits. A J♥ 10♥ 9♣ 8♠ 7♥ is higher than 6♠ 5♠ 4♥3♣2♦.

An ace can be high or low in both straight flush and straight in poker. But it can not be both at once like in Q-K-A-2-3. The highest possible straight is A♣ K♣ Q♦ J♠ 10♠, known as the Broadway straight. It is royal straight flush with different suits. The lowest possible straight is 5♠ 4♦ 3♦ 2♠ A♥. In poker straight vs flushthe player with a flush hand wins over the other.

Remember that the type and order of suits are not important in straight-hand poker.

How to Play a Straight Flush in Texas Hold’em?

When aiming at straight flush poker in Texas Hold'em, rememeber that ranking of suits does not matter. The goal is to get consecutive cards of the same suit. A straight flush of any suit is the same to increase the chances of winning the game.

In rare cases, when a tie occurs between two straight flushes, the hand with the higher ranking card will win. That is, a 10-high straight flush beats a 9-high straight flush.

Texas Hold'em and almost all poker games use the 52-card deck. The straight flush is the highest-ranking hand in poker, beating all others below it. However, if you have a Royal Flush, which is ranked separately, it becomes the second-best hand. But the odds of getting a royal flush are even more slim, at around 1 in 649,739.

So, if you have a straight flush, you will likely win in Texas Hold'em poker.

Straight Flush Rules in Different Poker Variants

The straight flush poker rules change according to the poker variant at play. Let's discuss the popular poker variants, which have their own set of rules:

  • Texas Hold’em and Omaha: Straight flush is the top-ranking poker hand in these two variants, which is beatable only by a royal flush. Getting a straight flush is a sure-shot way to win the game.
  • Seven-Card Stud: In this variant, a straight flush wins the highest points than any other poker hand. A straight flush has the potential to turn the odds in your favor.
  • Five-Card Draw: In this poker variant, a straight flush can give a player a significant advantage. Although the rules may differ slightly, a straight flush is usually seen as a winning hand in most games.

Types of Straight Flush in Poker

  • Regular Straight Flush: This is a poker straight flush where all the cards are consecutive in rank and belong to the same suit. For example, 10♠ 9♠ 8♠ 7♠ 6♠ is a regular straight flush.
  • Royal Flush: This is the highest-ranking hand in poker and consists of the Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and Ten of the same suit. For example, A♠ K♠ Q♠ J♠ 10♠ is a royal poker straight flush.

There are 40 types of straight flushes possible in poker.

Examples of a Straight Flush

Any sequential cards of the same suit qualify as straight flush poker hands. The examples are:

  • K♣Q♣J♣T♣9♣ (King high straight flush)
  • J♥T♥9♥8♥7♥ (Jack high straight flush)
  • 7♣6♣5♣4♣3♣ (Seven high straight flush)
  • A♠2♠3♠4♠5♠ (Ace low straight flush or the lowest straight flush)
  • A♣K♣Q♣J♣T♣ (Ace high straight flush or royal flush)

As can be seen, the ace can be both a high and low card in poker combinations.

Poker Hands From Best To Worst

Poker Hands From Best To Worst


Poker Hand


1Royal Flush A straight flush consisting of the Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and Ten of the same suit.
2Straight FlushFive cards in sequential rank, all of the same suit.
3Four of a KindFour cards of the same rank.
4Full HouseThree cards of one rank, and two cards of another rank.
5FlushFive cards of the same suit, not in sequential rank.
6StraightFive cards in sequential rank, but not all of the same suit.
7Three of a KindThree cards of the same rank.
8Two PairTwo separate pairs of cards of the same rank.
9One PairTwo cards of the same rank.
10High CardNo combination, and the highest ranking card plays.


The highest-ranking poker hand is royal flush, which is unbeatable. The hand has the highest chance of winning the game. It's the pinnacle of a straight flush hand. However, it's also an extremely rare combination, which is likely to appear only a few times in a lifetime of recreational players.

When none of the 10 hands take place, a hand is valued based on the highest single card. Ace-high is the highest-ranking single card. A high card is the most common poker hand and has fewer chances of winning a showdown. 2-3-4-5-7 (of any suit) is the worst possible five-hand card in poker. It is only a seven high with the lowest possible kicker cards that don't improve it.

In Conclusion

A straight flush in poker is the second strongest hand in all standard poker variants, from Texas Hold’em, Omaha, to any five-card-draw online poker game. While every poker player aims at a royal flush, the chances of it are extremely low. However, a straight flush is a more realistic and worthwhile goal to work towards.

Remember! If you have achieved a flush draw with low cards, you can still lose the straight flush. But with a king or queen-high straight flush, you can place higher bets with more confidence.


What is a Straight Flush in Poker?

What are the odds of making a straight flush?

Does a Straight Flush beat Four of a Kind?

Does a Straight Flush beat a Full House?

Where does a Straight Flush rank in Poker?

Is it possible to lose with a Straight Flush in Poker?