12 Different Types of Poker Games You Should Know About
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If you are a poker game enthusiast, you must have heard about or played several poker variants. While Texas Hold'em and Omaha are extremely popular, the other poker variations add a new spirit to the game. In most cases, the standard poker rules remain the same but with slight tweaks that make it more interesting, thrilling, and entertaining.

Here are the top 12 poker variations with the poker rules and gameplay you must try. So, without further ado, let's learn about the types of poker games.

Without further ado, let's know more about the popular poker variations!

1. Texas Hold'em

Texas Hold'em

Texas Hold 'em is one of the most popular poker games out there, both online and offline. This is one of the poker variants which is a go-to choice for players due to its widespread availability and varied stakes. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned pro, Texas Hold 'em is the game you will likely encounter and be familiar with.


As the poker game begins, each player is dealt two private cards, known as hole cards, which only they can see. Then, five cards are dealt face-up on the table. These five cards are known as community cards.

There are four rounds of betting in total. In Texas Hold 'em, players can either call (match the previous bet), raise (increase the bet), or fold (drop out of the hand). Betting starts with the player to the left of the dealer button.

After the first round of betting, three community cards are dealt face-up on the table. This is called the flop. Another round of betting follows, and then a fourth community card is dealt face-up. This card is called the turn or fourth street.

Next, you have the final round of betting, the final community card is dealt face-up. This card is called the river card or fifth street. A showdown occurs if more than one player remains after the final betting round. Players reveal their hole cards, and the player with the best five-card hand wins the pot in Texas Hold 'em.


Easy to learn

Offers a blend of skill and strategy

Dynamic and strategic gameplay

Widely available in card rooms and online


Requires disciplined bankroll management

Can be intimidating for beginners

2. Omaha Poker

Omaha Poker

Omaha is another exciting poker game variant where players receive four-hole cards instead of two, like with Texas Hold'em. However, they must use exactly two hole cards and three community cards to form their hand. This adds complexity and entertainment, which makes Omaha a favorite among poker enthusiasts worldwide. You also have Omaha hi-lo variants.


This is one of the variations of poker in which each player is dealt four hole cards face down. Then, five community cards are dealt face-up on the table. Players must use exactly two of their hole cards and three community cards to make the best hand.

Unlike Texas Hold'em, where players can use any combination of hole and community cards, in Omaha, they must use two from their hand and three from the board. This creates more potential hand combinations and strategic possibilities.

The poker game has four betting rounds: pre-flop, flop, turn, and river. At each stage, players can bet, call, raise, or fold. The betting structure is usually either pot-limit Omaha or no pot-limit Omaha.

Omaha Poker Variations

Let's take a look at some of the Omaha types of poker games.

Omaha Hi

Omaha Hi is a poker game in which players receive four cards. They must use two of their cards and three community cards to form the best hand. The goal is to win chips by having the highest-ranking hand. Here, betting occurs in rounds, and you must place bets based on hand strength.

Omaha Hi/Lo

Also known as Omaha Eight or Better, Omaha Hi/Lo is a poker variant where players can try to win both the high and low halves of the pot. Each player receives four cards and must use two in combination with three community cards to make their hand. The pot is split between the highest and lowest hands.

5 Card Omaha

As the name suggests, each player is dealt five cards. They must choose exactly two cards from these five cards to combine with three community cards to form their best poker hand. This variation increases the number of possible hand combinations and adds complexity. It follows a pot limit format.


More action due to four-hole cards

Higher hand variety increases excitement

Requires strategic hand selection and decision-making

Greater potential for skilled players to exploit opponents' weaknesses


Can confuse beginners with hand rankings

Requires adjustment in betting strategies compared to other variants

3. Pineapple Poker

Pineapple Poker

Pineapple poker, also known as Pineapple OFC, offers a fun twist on traditional poker games. In this game, players receive three-hole cards instead of the usual two or four.

Well, the catch is that before the flop, each player must discard one of their hole cards. So, you really must make strategic decisions right from the start. This variation adds an extra layer of excitement. The Lazy Pineapple Poker is another variation of Pineapple Poker.


As mentioned earlier, players start with three-hole cards instead of the usual two in Pineapple poker. After the initial round of betting, each player must discard one of their hole cards and keep just two for the remainder of the hand.

Players must choose which card to keep based on their hand strength and potential for improvement. The game then proceeds with the standard rounds of betting, including the flop, turn, and river, just like in traditional poker. The player with the best five-card hand at the end wins the pot limit.


Adds an extra layer of strategy by discarding one card

Increases excitement compared to traditional poker variations

Offers a fresh twist for players seeking a variety

Maintains the familiar structure of standard poker gameplay


This may lead to confusion for players accustomed to traditional poker

Higher potential for variance due to larger starting hands

Some players may find the discard aspect challenging

4. Razz Poker Game

Razz Poker Game

Razz is one of the poker variations that flips traditional hand rankings upside down. Here, you must strive for the lowest hand instead of the highest. Players receive seven cards and you must make the best low hand with no pairs. With its unique twist on poker strategy, this lowball poker game offers a refreshing challenge.


In this game, players aim for the lowest hand possible. Each player receives seven cards, three face-down and four face-up cards. The player with the highest face-up card starts the betting. This is when the betting round begins. After each round of betting, another face-up card is dealt. The player with the lowest hand initiates subsequent betting rounds.

The seventh card is dealt face down. At the showdown, the lowest hand wins.


Offers a unique challenge with its focus on lowest lowest-hand

A fun twist on traditional poker gameplay


It may be confusing for players unfamiliar with lowball poker variants

Limited availability compared to more popular poker games

5. Badugi


Badugi is a type of draw poker game. Players must make the lowest hand with cards of different suits and ranks. Unlike traditional poker, Badugi uses four cards per player, with three draws to improve their hands. This game challenges players to think differently about hand rankings and strategies.


Each player receives four cards face down as soon as the game starts. There are three drawing rounds, during which players can discard and replace unwanted cards. The catch is that players strive for a Badugi, which is a hand with up to four cards in different suits and no pairs.

The best possible hand is A-2-3-4 of different suits. Badugi requires quick thinking to create the strongest low hand while considering opponents' actions and their holdings.


It offers a unique twist on traditional poker variations

Can level the playing field among players of different skill levels


It may be confusing for players unfamiliar with non-standard poker variants

Limited availability in comparison to more popular poker games

6. Seven Card Stud

Seven Card Stud

Seven Card Stud Poker is a classic where players receive seven cards. The aim is to make the best five-card hand. Unlike Texas Hold'em, players get their own unique cards, some face up and some face down. The game spans multiple betting rounds. Seven Card Stud has been a staple in the poker world for decades. Hi-Lo stud poker variant is also available. It is known as Seven Card Stud Eight. This is one of the types of poker games where half the pot goes to the one with the highest hand, and the other half goes to the one with the lowest.


Each player receives seven cards, three of which are face down and four face up. Players engage in a betting round based on the strength of their poker hand. There are five betting rounds, and each player must form their best five-card hand from their seven cards.

In this game, there are no community cards. So, players must rely solely on their own cards. The player with the best hand at the end wins the pot.


Offers a different dynamic 

Multiple betting rounds allow for varied gameplay

Classic variant with a rich history in poker


Can be more challenging for beginners due to the complexity of tracking multiple cards

Limited availability compared to more popular variants like Texas Hold'em



Now, when it comes to types of poker games, we have HORSE poker. It is a mixed-game poker variant comprising five different poker games. It is an abbreviation of all the games it includes. They are Hold'em, Omaha Hi-Lo, Razz, Seven Card Stud, and Seven Card Stud Hi-Lo Eight or Better.

Players rotate through each game after a set number of hands or time intervals. It is a type of poker game that challenges players to showcase their skills across various types of poker games.

This is one of the popular variations of poker that's mostly played in tournaments and casinos.


In this game, poker players rotate through each aforementioned game in fixed intervals or after a set number of hands. This format tests players' skills across various poker types and needs adaptability and strategic thinking.

HORSE offers an engaging experience for poker players seeking a broader range of gameplay beyond traditional poker variants.


It offers variety with five different poker mixed games

It challenges players to adapt to different formats

Provides a comprehensive poker experience


Requires proficiency in multiple poker variants

The learning curve may be steep for beginners

Games may not be evenly balanced in player skill

8. Chinese Poker

Chinese Poker

A popular poker variation that's been played for ages is Chinese poker. It is a fun game that originated in China in the 20th Century. In this type of poker, players arrange 13 cards into three separate hands: two five-card hands and one three-card hand. Unlike traditional poker, there's no betting or bluffing. Instead, poker players aim to create the strongest possible hands according to specific rules.

With its emphasis on hand rankings and strategic card placement, Chinese Poker offers a challenging experience for players of all skill levels.


Each poker player receives 13 cards, which they divide into three hands: two five-card hands (top and middle) and one three-card hand (bottom).

Players arrange their hands according to specific rules. The strongest hand is the top hand, followed by the middle and then the bottom. A strong top hand achieves a fantasyland, which grants special privileges in the next round.

Hands are compared with opponents' hands, and points are awarded based on hand strength. There's no betting involved, but players agree on point values before the game begins.


Easy to learn and play

Suitable for casual gaming sessions

No betting or bluffing involved


Limited depth compared to other different types of poker

May lack the intensity of betting-based games

9. Short Deck Poker

Short Deck Poker

As you can see, there are several types of poker games, and Short Deck Poker is one of them. Also known as 6+ Hold'em, it is a poker variant in which the deck is shortened by removing all cards below 6. This creates a fast-paced game with more action and stronger hands.


In this game, players are dealt fewer cards, with cards below 6 removed from the deck. This creates stronger hands and more action-packed gameplay. The hand rankings are also adjusted accordingly. Here, a flush beats a full house, and a straight beats three-of-a-kind.

Each player is dealt two hole cards face down, just like in Texas Hold'em. And betting structure of the game follows Texas Hold'em with pre-flop, flop, turn, and river betting rounds. Five community cards are placed face-up in the center of the table. After the final betting round, the remaining players reveal their hole cards, and the best hand wins the pot.


Fast-paced gameplay with more action

Stronger hands and bigger pots

Appeals to both casual players and seasoned pros


Altered hand rankings may confuse some players

Requires adjustments in strategy 

10. Five Card Draw

Five Card Draw

5-Card Draw is one of the classic poker types where players are dealt five cards face down. Here, you can exchange some or all of your cards for new ones to improve your poker hand. The goal is to make the best five-card hand possible. With its straightforward rules and reliance on hand strength, 5-Card Draw offers a simple yet engaging poker experience.


In the Five Card Draw, each player receives five cards face down. After a round of betting, players can discard and replace up to three cards with new ones from the deck.

Another round of betting follows, and then players reveal their hands. The player with the best five-card hand wins the pot.


Simple and easy-to-understand rules

Suitable for players of all skill levels

Offers a classic and timeless poker experience


Limited depth compared to more complex variants

May lack the excitement of games with community cards

11. 2-7 Triple Draw Poker

2-7 Triple Draw Poker

Next on our list of types of poker games is 2-7 triple draw poker. Here, players try to create the lowest possible hand using five cards drawn over three rounds. You get five chances to swap cards in three drawing rounds. But straights and flushes don't count, so a hand like 2-3-4-5-7 is perfect in this game.


Each player starts with five cards facedown as soon as the game starts. You must make the lowest hand possible without straights or flushes, as Aces are high.

Players take turns drawing cards and try to improve their hands or bluff others. After each draw, there's a betting round. The game features three drawing rounds, with betting after each. Players can discard and draw up to five cards each round. The winner is the one with the lowest hand after the final draw.


Requires strategic thinking and hand evaluation skills

Offers a fresh change from more common poker variants

Unique twist where the lowest hand wins


Can be challenging for beginners due to the low-hand-winning concept

Not as widely available in casinos or online platforms compared to mainstream poker variants

12. Community Card

Community Card

Community Card is one of the types of poker games where players share cards dealt face-up in the center of the table. Each player combines these community cards with their own hole cards to form the best hand. Games like Texas Hold'em and Omaha are examples of Community Card poker.


As the game unfolds, players create the best hand possible using a combination of their hole cards and the community cards. Rounds of betting happen between card deals; here, players can fold, call, raise, or bluff. The winner is the player with the highest-ranking hand or the last one remaining after others fold.


This is one of the poker variations that offers opportunities for strategic play.

Various games like Texas Hold'em and Omaha provide options.

Widely played in both casual and competitive settings.


Can be challenging for beginners to grasp strategies and hand rankings.

High-pressure situations during betting rounds may lead to impulsive decisions.


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